Decades later now everybody can appreciate what invaluable favour Leon Melchior did for the entire international horse industry by building out of Heureka Z a widespread foundation line only comparable to the very best few of the leading mare families worldwide.

Following we only can give you a rough overview over the most important steps in the build-up process of that mare family, which is too complex to go into every detail:

Male offspring:
As stallion-mother Heureka Z started her career with the stallion Goliath Z (by Graf Gotthard Z), born 1975. This stallion proved himself in sport on international level, had at age 7 already won the Grand Prix of Zuidlaren and produced as stud as famous jumpers as Lord von Essene (David Gorla), Charisma Z (Leslie Howard) and Arisco J. Caroffna (Alvaro de Miranda Neto). The male lineage of Goliath Z is carried on by his son Grosso Z, for example known as the sire of Goldfever (Ludger Beerbaum) and Griseldi FHP (Ulrich Kirchhoff).
In 1979 Heureka Z brought with Alme Z the most important stallion Ahorn Z, which in context with this article deserves special attention. Ahorn Z is certainly well known as stallion producer and left more than 15 approved sons, for example Aktionaer, Alasca, Abraxis Z and Accord I and II. Accord II is with a jumping index of 163 points one of the most influencing stallions of the Holsteiner breeding right now. Besides that Ahorn Z is registered in the World Breeding Guide with 9 offspring competing in international show jumping.