Membership application

Okanagan Supreme Performance Horse Group


                                                                                              Membership number:                          

                                                                                                                             (to be filled in by OSPHG)





Town or place                                                                           Postal code                                        




Phone:                                                                                    Fax:                                                   


wants to become a member of the Okanagan Supreme Performance Horse Group.


     The membership in the year 2004 amounts to a contribution of can. $ 200.00* plus GST (=$214.00) including the membership in the Studbook Zangersheide. Besides that this membership fee entitles the member - untransferable - to the following:

          Special breeding possibility to the stallion lot of OKANAGAN SHOW JUMPING STABLES with   free choice of stud for the fee of can $ 2,450 + 7%GST per breeding

          services and information provided by OSPHG and Studbook Zangersheide

          invitation and free visitor access to all events and meetings organized by OSPHG and Studbook Zangersheide

          free consulting through the experts of Okanagan Show Jumping Stables in all questions of breeding and show jumping sport

          special discounts for the members on all offers of Okanagan Show Jumping Stables


The membership fee for the following years is planned to be adjusted according to the arising facts and wishes of the members.


The contribution is due with signature and will be paid by:





With the signature the member accepts all regulations of the OSPHG and of the Studbook Zangersheide.


Place:                                                                          Date:                                                  




                             Signature Witness                                        Signature Member        


* the total annual contribution for our members in the US is US $ 170.00 for the year 2004