4. Zangersheide World Championships of Young Horses, Stallion approval and Auctions 2007 (continued)
Certainly with pleasure we took notice of the fact, that in the 3 year olds auction the highest selling horse was out of "Raissa Z" (the full sister of "Robin Z"!), while the second highest seller was a "Quinar Z". Our 4 year old stallion "Quincent Z" is by "Quinar Z" out of "Raissa Z". He is starting his career in our show barn right now and he alone definitely is worth a visit to have a look at him.
Besides that it was very interesting to study the stallion approval process and the performance testing again, as it gives a good opportunity to measure our Canadian prospects with the best ones of the studbook in Europe.
At this occasion the mother studbook agreed to another Stallion Inspection for North American bred Zangersheide horses at Okanagan Show Jumping Stables in the near future at our convenience.
Please give us your input, whether you have any stallions requesting an inspection and at what time!