5. Actual situation at Okanagan Show Jumping Stables

On the base of the above facts it is not astonishing, that regarding our own marketing situation we can report a

tremendous increase of inquiries and sales in the last months. Similar to Zangersheide, Belgium, our sales show an absolute record high and the demand for high quality Zangersheide horses is steadily growing.

So fortunately right now we have a fascinating string of 3, 4 and 5 year old stallions and mares and several older show horses available and each member or friend of the OSPHG is cordially invited to visit us and check out these incredible horses while discussing his/her plans and needs.

Certainly before the end of the year we will be back with another newsletter reporting about this years breeding results in Canada and the breeding conditions for 2008.

Until then we wish you all the best and remain

with warm regards

Gerwig Bahle