4. Zangersheide World Championships of Young Horses, Stallion approval and Auctions 2007

After our exhausting show season we decided not to carry over any horses to Europe to compete at Zangersheide, but to go there to represent the North American Division of the Studbook at this most important event. So we attended the entire Zangersheide show and discussed the strategy for North America for the coming years with the heads of the Studbook while enjoying the incredible hospitality and refreshing the old friendship with the Studfarm Zangersheide.

To give each member an impression of this real feast for horse enthusiasts, we enclose an issue of the program book and an example of the daily show newsletter and hope you enjoy both.

Besides the really mind blowing sport (you find the results on the Zangersheide website), we wish to draw your attention to the marketing development over there, which we consider very important for the entire breeding industry:

Both auctions (foal and 3 year old prospects) ended not only with record breaking spectacular high sellers, but also with record high average prices. These really high average record prices together with the extremely expensive EURO exchange give a high strong insentive in the near future to buy quality horses from our Canadian Zangersheide breeders.

So we really recoomend all our members to evaluate their products realisticly when offering them for sale. The enclosed result lists of both auctions certainly can assist you with that.